For the DCC modellers we offer an installation service to get your locos going. Installation of both non-sound and sound decoders.
We use Soundtraxx Tsunami sound decoders and will make your locos come to life. Our installer not only installs the decoder with an appropriate speaker but he will set up all the programming required to give realistic sounds.
We also offer a locomotive repair service for those troublesome locos. If you have some of those DJH type loco kits in Brass and Whitemetal, we can arrange for them to be built and painted
Also some carriage building and modifying or kitbashing can also be handled.
If in doubt call us! We will provide an answer as best we are able!
Integer nisl nunc, venenatis sagittis condimentum vel, tincidunt in est. Aenean felis sem, suscipit in posuere ultrices, placerat vel ipsum. Donec quis dolor turpis, non accumsan nisl. Ut lorem turpis, consequat eget condimentum quis, consectetur vitae enim. Proin ultricies ornare nibh eget tincidunt. Nulla id lectus est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras pharetra tincidunt erat sit amet sodales. Donec volutpat, leo lacinia facilisis semper, mauris nunc convallis enim, imperdiet volutpat urna nulla ut augue. Suspendisse potenti varius molestie.
Sed lacus purus, ullamcorper ut aliquet ut, dictum nec odio. Donec sed odio ac lectus fermentum accumsan quis ut magna. Sed consectetur ipsum dolor, non laoreet lectus. Phasellus malesuada.